Madeleine Filippi


14,8 X 21 CM, 148 PAGES


In residence as an art critic at the Caza d’Oro, with complete freedom of discovery and exchange, Madeleine Filippi invites us to discover the approaches of Yvonne Calsou, Dounia Chemsseddoha, Lise Chevalier, Lilie Pinot, Marilina Prigent and Julie Saclier. Like a thread, the question of the representation of memory and time runs through this selection of works and practices and presents a reflection on the aesthetics of the fragment as a paradigm of memory and Heidegger’s concept of Dasein.
The book extends like an exhibition. Each text is both independent and attached to this common reflection. There is no order in which to read them, you are free to move from one artistic approach to another. The extracts of interviews and discussions with the artists act like room labels. They talk about the time of the residency. The pieces reproduced reflect each other. They draw a rhizome-like representation of memory.

Published in February 2022
Bilingual edition (French / English)
14,8 x 21 cm (soft cover, Swiss binding)
148 pages (ill.)

19.00 €

ISBN : 978-2-37440-143-0

Co-published by Caza d’Oro, Naima
With the support of the Fondation Antoine de Galbert and the ministère de la Culture – Drac Occitanie